Over the years I've collected several bird photos that I share here.
Location Index
Bird Index
- albatross
- anhinga
- ani
- aracari
- atlantic puffin
- avocet
- bee eater
- beggar
- bluebird
- bustard
- buzzard
- caracara
- cassowary
- condor
- cormorant
- crake
- crane
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- emu
- fayoumi
- fin foot
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- francolin
- frigate bird
- galapagos boobie
- gallinule
- go-away-bird
- goose
- greenbul
- grouse
- guineafowl
- gull
- hammerkop
- hawk
- heron
- hornbill
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jacana
- kaka
- kestrel
- kingfisher
- kiskadee
- kite
- kiwi
- kori bustard
- lapwing
- lark
- lovebirds
- macaw
- mallard
- mockingbird
- moluccan
- moorhen
- motmot
- mousebird
- murre
- nighthawk
- noddy
- ostrich
- owl
- parakeet
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- pintail
- plover
- potoo
- pukeko
- quetzal
- rail
- rhea
- robin
- roller
- sandgrouse
- scarlet macaw
- secretary bird
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- spur fowl
- spurfowl
- starling
- stilt
- stork
- sunbird
- swan
- takahe
- tanager
- teal
- tern
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepie
- tropic bird
- turkey
- vulture
- weaver
- white-fronted bee eater
- woodpecker
Frigate Birds
Frigatebirds are truly remarkable seabirds, known for their astonishing aerial abilities and distinctive appearance. They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide.
Key Characteristics:
- Aerial Acrobatics: With long, narrow wings and a deeply forked tail, frigatebirds are perfectly adapted for soaring. T hey can spend hours in the air without flapping, relying on updrafts and thermals.
- Unique Appearance: Males are predominantly black with a striking red inflatable throat pouch used for courtship displays. Females are larger with white underparts.
- Feeding Strategy: Frigatebirds are kleptoparasites, meaning they steal food from other seabirds. They often harass pelicans, boobies, and terns until they regurgitate their catch, which the frigatebird then snatches in mid-air.
- Strong and Lightweight: Their bones are hollow, reducing their weight and allowing for greater flight efficiency.
Amazing Facts:
- Frigatebirds have the largest wingspan-to-body weight ratio of any bird.They rarely land on water due to their non-waterproof feathers.
- They are very efficient flyers, able to cover vast distances with minimal energy expenditure.
frigate bird
Frigate bird (0097), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0116), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0215), Galapagos