Over the years I've collected several bird photos that I share here.
Location Index
Bird Index
- albatross
- anhinga
- ani
- aracari
- atlantic puffin
- avocet
- bee eater
- beggar
- bluebird
- bustard
- buzzard
- caracara
- cassowary
- condor
- cormorant
- crake
- crane
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- emu
- fayoumi
- fin foot
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- francolin
- frigate bird
- galapagos boobie
- gallinule
- go-away-bird
- goose
- greenbul
- grouse
- guineafowl
- gull
- hammerkop
- hawk
- heron
- hornbill
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jacana
- kaka
- kestrel
- kingfisher
- kiskadee
- kite
- kiwi
- kori bustard
- lapwing
- lark
- lovebirds
- macaw
- mallard
- mockingbird
- moluccan
- moorhen
- motmot
- mousebird
- murre
- nighthawk
- noddy
- ostrich
- owl
- parakeet
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- pintail
- plover
- potoo
- pukeko
- quetzal
- rail
- rhea
- robin
- roller
- sandgrouse
- scarlet macaw
- secretary bird
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- spur fowl
- spurfowl
- starling
- stilt
- stork
- sunbird
- swan
- takahe
- tanager
- teal
- tern
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepie
- tropic bird
- turkey
- vulture
- weaver
- white-fronted bee eater
- woodpecker
Tanzania: Ngorongoro and Serengeti
Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a protected area and a UNESCO World Heritage Site within the Crater Highlands geological area of northern Tanzania, west of Arusha City.
Serengeti National Park is a large national park in northern Tanzania.
Augur Buzzard (0362), Tanzania
Black crake (0366), Tanzania
Brown Snake eagle (0329), Tanzania
Coqui francolin (0363), Tanzania
Eagle Owls (0193), Tanzania
Egyptian goose (0359), Tanzania
Fischer's Lovebirds (0361), Tanzania
Helmeted guineafowl (0354), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0348), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0367), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0368), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0356), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0360), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0369), Tanzania
Little Bee eater (0037), Tanzania
Masked weaver (0371), Tanzania
Purple heron (0372), Tanzania
Red-billed hornbill (0328), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed Weaver (0352), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed weaver (0350), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed weaver (0370), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0349), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0358), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0364), Tanzania
Southern Ground hornbill (0333), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0327), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0336), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0355), Tanzania
Speckle-fronted Weaver (0353), Tanzania
Tawny eagle (0365), Tanzania
White-bellied bustard (0198), Tanzania
White-headed Buffalo Weaver (0351), Tanzania
Yellow-billed stork (0196), Tanzania