Over the years I've collected several bird photos that I share here.
Location Index
Bird Index
- Potoo
- albatross
- anhinga
- ani
- aracari
- atlantic puffin
- avocet
- bee eater
- beggar
- bluebird
- bustard
- buzzard
- caracara
- cassowary
- condor
- cormorant
- crake
- crane
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- emu
- fayoumi
- fin foot
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- francolin
- frigate bird
- galapagos boobie
- gallinule
- go-away-bird
- goose
- greenbul
- grouse
- guineafowl
- gull
- hammerkop
- hawk
- heron
- hornbill
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jacana
- kaka
- kestrel
- kingfisher
- kiskadee
- kite
- kiwi
- kori bustard
- lapwing
- lark
- lovebirds
- macaw
- mallard
- mockingbird
- moluccan
- moorhen
- motmot
- mousebird
- murre
- nighthawk
- noddy
- ostrich
- owl
- parakeet
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- pintail
- plover
- potoo
- pukeko
- quetzal
- rail
- rhea
- robin
- roller
- sandgrouse
- scarlet macaw
- secretary bird
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- spur fowl
- spurfowl
- starling
- stilt
- stork
- sunbird
- swan
- takahe
- tanager
- teal
- tern
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepie
- tropic bird
- turkey
- vulture
- weaver
- white-fronted bee eater
- woodpecker
Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
The Galápagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands in the Eastern Pacific,
located around the Equator 560 miles west of South America.
Famously described by Charles Darwin for its fauna of evolutionary uniqueness and docility.
The lack of predators has left many fearless species here, notably boobies and iguanas.
Black-necked Stilt (0303), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0119), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0216), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0217), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0220), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0312), Galapagos
Cattle egret (0122), Galapagos
Flamingo Lagoon (0218), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0097), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0116), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0215), Galapagos
Galapagos flycatcher (0301), Galapagos
Galapagos gull (0311), Galapagos
Galapagos hawk (0316), Galapagos
Galapagos penguin (0222), Galapagos
Great Blue heron (0219), Galapagos
Ground finch (0106), Galapagos
Ground finch (0306), Galapagos
Ground finch (0309), Galapagos
Lava heron (0214), Galapagos
Mockingbird (0302), Galapagos
Nazca boobie (0313), Galapagos
Nazca boobie (0315), Galapagos
Red-footed boobie (0310), Galapagos
Red-footed boobie (0314), Galapagos
San Cristobal Mockingbird (0305), Galapagos
Smooth-billed ani (0304), Galapagos
Tree finch (0307), Galapagos
White-cheeked pintail (0103), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0110), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0111), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0112), Galapagos