Over the years I've collected several bird photos that I share here.
Location Index
Bird Index
- albatross
- anhinga
- ani
- aracari
- atlantic puffin
- avocet
- bee eater
- beggar
- bluebird
- bustard
- buzzard
- caracara
- cassowary
- condor
- cormorant
- crake
- crane
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- emu
- fayoumi
- fin foot
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- francolin
- frigate bird
- galapagos boobie
- gallinule
- go-away-bird
- goose
- greenbul
- grouse
- guineafowl
- gull
- hammerkop
- hawk
- heron
- hornbill
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jacana
- kaka
- kestrel
- kingfisher
- kiskadee
- kite
- kiwi
- kori bustard
- lapwing
- lark
- lovebirds
- macaw
- mallard
- mockingbird
- moluccan
- moorhen
- motmot
- mousebird
- murre
- nighthawk
- noddy
- ostrich
- owl
- parakeet
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- pintail
- plover
- potoo
- pukeko
- quetzal
- rail
- rhea
- robin
- roller
- sandgrouse
- scarlet macaw
- secretary bird
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- spur fowl
- spurfowl
- starling
- stilt
- stork
- sunbird
- swan
- takahe
- tanager
- teal
- tern
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepie
- tropic bird
- turkey
- vulture
- weaver
- white-fronted bee eater
- woodpecker
California Birds
Acorn woodpecker (0238), California
Acorn woodpecker (0239), California
American avocet (0377), California
American kestrel (0381), California
American kestrel (0396), California
American white pelican (0405), California
American white pelican (0406), California
American white pelicans (0045), California
Black-necked stilt (0376), California
Brown pelican (0224), California
Brown pelican (0226), California
Cormorants (0250), California
Crested night heron (0042), California
Ducks (0409), California
Great Blue Heron (0404), California
Great Blue Heron (0408), California
Great Blue Heron (0411), California
Great cormorant (0379), California
Great egret (0046), California
Great egret (0248), California
Green Heron (0407), California
Green heron (0004), California
Green heron (0040), California
Green heron (0247), California
Green-winged teal (0374), California
Grooming Pelicans (0410), California
Grouse (0299), California
Juvenile heron (0241), California
Juvenile night heron (0249), California
Night heron (0225), California
Sandhill crane (0243), California
Sandhill crane (0244), California
Sandhill crane (0245), California
Sandhill crane (0246), California
Snowy Egrets (0412), California
Snowy egret (0242), California
Snowy egret (0375), California
Turkey vulture (0213), California
Turkey vulture (0237), California
Western bluebird (0240), California
White-crowned sparrow (0326), California
Wood duck (0252), California
Wood duck (0280), California
Wood ducks (0251), California