Over the years I've collected several bird photos that I share here.
Location Index
Bird Index
- Potoo
- albatross
- anhinga
- ani
- aracari
- atlantic puffin
- avocet
- bee eater
- beggar
- bluebird
- bustard
- buzzard
- caracara
- cassowary
- condor
- cormorant
- crake
- crane
- dove
- duck
- eagle
- egret
- emu
- fayoumi
- fin foot
- finch
- flamingo
- flycatcher
- francolin
- frigate bird
- galapagos boobie
- gallinule
- go-away-bird
- goose
- greenbul
- grouse
- guineafowl
- gull
- hammerkop
- hawk
- heron
- hornbill
- hummingbird
- ibis
- jacana
- kaka
- kestrel
- kingfisher
- kiskadee
- kite
- kiwi
- kori bustard
- lapwing
- lark
- lovebirds
- macaw
- mallard
- mockingbird
- moluccan
- moorhen
- motmot
- mousebird
- murre
- nighthawk
- noddy
- ostrich
- owl
- parakeet
- pelican
- penguin
- petrel
- pintail
- plover
- potoo
- pukeko
- quetzal
- rail
- rhea
- robin
- roller
- sandgrouse
- scarlet macaw
- secretary bird
- sheathbill
- shrike
- skimmer
- skua
- sparrow
- spoonbill
- spur fowl
- spurfowl
- starling
- stilt
- stork
- sunbird
- swan
- takahe
- tanager
- teal
- tern
- toucan
- toucanet
- treepie
- tropic bird
- turkey
- vulture
- weaver
- white-fronted bee eater
- woodpecker
All Locations
Adele penguin (0385), Antarctica
Antarctic cormorant (0388), Antarctica
Black-browd albatross (0382), Antarctica
Chinstrap penguin (0384), Antarctica
Gentoo penguin (0387), Antarctica
Gentoo penguin (0383), Antarctica
Kelp gull (0380), Antarctica
Snowy sheathbill (0386), Antarctica
Southern giant petrel (0389), Antarctica
Southern skua (0384), Antarctica
Australian white ibis (0142), Australia
Black-neck stork (0038), Australia
Black-necked stork (0136), Australia
Black-necked stork (0137), Australia
Brown noddy (0141), Australia
Moluccan eclectus (Parrot) (0139), Australia
Crowned heron (0297), Belize
Great heron (0296), Belize
Lesser nighthawk (0392), Belize
Northern jacana (0294), Belize
Acorn woodpecker (0238), California
Acorn woodpecker (0239), California
American avocet (0377), California
American kestrel (0381), California
American kestrel (0396), California
American white pelican (0405), California
American white pelican (0406), California
American white pelicans (0045), California
Black-necked stilt (0376), California
Brown pelican (0224), California
Brown pelican (0226), California
Cormorants (0250), California
Crested night heron (0042), California
Ducks (0409), California
Great Blue Heron (0404), California
Great Blue Heron (0408), California
Great Blue Heron (0411), California
Great cormorant (0379), California
Great egret (0046), California
Great egret (0248), California
Green Heron (0407), California
Green Heron (0414), California
Green heron (0004), California
Green heron (0040), California
Green heron (0247), California
Green-winged teal (0374), California
Grooming Pelicans (0410), California
Grouse (0299), California
Juvenile heron (0241), California
Juvenile night heron (0249), California
Night heron (0225), California
Sandhill crane (0243), California
Sandhill crane (0244), California
Sandhill crane (0245), California
Sandhill crane (0246), California
Snowy Egrets (0412), California
Snowy egret (0242), California
Snowy egret (0375), California
Turkey vulture (0213), California
Turkey vulture (0237), California
Western bluebird (0240), California
White-crowned sparrow (0326), California
Wood duck (0252), California
Wood duck (0280), California
Wood ducks (0251), California
Cape cormorant (0390), Capetown
Cape spurfowl (0070), Capetown
Southern double collared sunbird (0071), Capetown
Black-necked swans (0083), Chile
Chimango caracara (0087), Chile
Chimango caracara (0395), Chile
Crowned caracara (0088), Chile
Humboldt penguin (0086), Chile
Red-legged cormorant (0084), Chile
African jacana (0024), Chobe
African jacana (0028), Chobe
African skimmer (0033), Chobe
African spoonbill (0034), Chobe
Carmine bee eater (0021), Chobe
Carmine bee eater and Bee (0265), Chobe
Egyptian goose (0014), Chobe
Egyptian goose (0031), Chobe
Egyptian goose (0032), Chobe
Fish eagle (0007), Chobe
Fish eagle (0015), Chobe
Giant kingfisher (0010), Chobe
Go-away-bird (0035), Chobe
Helmeted guineafowl (0002), Chobe
Kori bustard (0263), Chobe
Lilac-breasted roller (0018), Chobe
Open-bill stork (0025), Chobe
Open-bill stork (0027), Chobe
Open-bill stork (0030), Chobe
Pied kingfisher (0011), Chobe
Red-billed spur fowl (0019), Chobe
Sacred ibis (0022), Chobe
White-crowned Plover (0012), Chobe
White-fronted bee eater (0023), Chobe
Yellow-bill stork (0029), Chobe
Yellow-bill stork (0039), Chobe
Yellow-billed stork (0027), Chobe
Anhinga with Fish (0047), Costa Rica
Anhinga with Fish (0048), Costa Rica
Blue sabrewing (0232), Costa Rica
Common Potoo (0413), Costa Rica
Common potoo (0229), Costa Rica
Female quetzal (0234), Costa Rica
Golden-hooded Tanager (0403), Costa Rica
Great Egret with Fish (0400), Costa Rica
Great Egret with Fish (0401), Costa Rica
Great kiskadee (0402), Costa Rica
Green heron (0266), Costa Rica
Keel-billed Toucan (0231), Costa Rica
Little blue heron (0228), Costa Rica
Male quetzal (0233), Costa Rica
Male quetzal (0235), Costa Rica
Purple gallinule (0230), Costa Rica
Scarlett macaw (0080), Costa Rica
Snowy egret (0228), Costa Rica
Turquoise-browed motmot (0281), El Salvador
Turquoise-browed motmot (0399), El Salvador
Black-necked Stilt (0303), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0119), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0216), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0217), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0220), Galapagos
Blue-footed boobie (0312), Galapagos
Cattle egret (0122), Galapagos
Flamingo Lagoon (0218), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0097), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0116), Galapagos
Frigate bird (0215), Galapagos
Galapagos flycatcher (0301), Galapagos
Galapagos gull (0311), Galapagos
Galapagos hawk (0316), Galapagos
Galapagos penguin (0222), Galapagos
Great Blue heron (0219), Galapagos
Ground finch (0106), Galapagos
Ground finch (0306), Galapagos
Ground finch (0309), Galapagos
Lava heron (0214), Galapagos
Mockingbird (0302), Galapagos
Nazca boobie (0313), Galapagos
Nazca boobie (0315), Galapagos
Red-footed boobie (0310), Galapagos
Red-footed boobie (0314), Galapagos
San Cristobal Mockingbird (0305), Galapagos
Smooth-billed ani (0304), Galapagos
Tree finch (0307), Galapagos
White-cheeked pintail (0103), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0110), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0111), Galapagos
Yellow-crowned night heron (0112), Galapagos
Black-crowned night heron (0152), Guatemala
Black-masked hawk (0292), Guatemala
Fiery-billed aracari (0291), Guatemala
Flycatcher (0290), Guatemala
Flycatcher (0293), Guatemala
Giant wood rail (0289), Guatemala
Pale-billed woodpecker (0287), Guatemala
Scarlet macaw (0282), Guatemala
Tiger-stiped heron (0288), Guatemala
Chestnut-mandibled toucan (0285), Honduras
Emerald toucanet (0286), Honduras
Keel-bill Toucan (0284), Honduras
King vulture (0391), Honduras
Scarlet macaw (0283), Honduras
Scarlett macaw (0044), Honduras
Arctic terns (0320), Iceland
Atlantic puffin (0318), Iceland
Atlantic puffin (0321), Iceland
Atlantic puffin (0322), Iceland
Atlantic puffin (0397), Iceland
Atlantic puffins (0398), Iceland
Eurasian scops owl (0128), India
Rufous treepie (0126), India
African Fin Foot (0064), Kafue
African jacana (0050), Kafue
African jacana (0051), Kafue
African jacana (0058), Kafue
Brown-hooded kingfisher (0063), Kafue
Egyptian goose (0052), Kafue
Fish eagle (0054), Kafue
Great crowned crane (0055), Kafue
Red-necked spurfowl (0049), Kafue
Snakeneck heron (0057), Kafue
Spur-wing goose (0062), Kafue
White-fronted bee eater (0059), Kafue
White-fronted bee eater (0060), Kafue
White-fronted bee eater (0061), Kafue
Yellow-bellied greenbul (0053), Kafue
Yellow-billed stork (0056), Kafue
Condor (0124), Marble Canyon
Acorn woodpecker (0223), Mexico
Black kite (0129), Nepal
Black robin (0134), New Zealand
Brown Kiwi (0135), New Zealand
Kaka (kay-kay) (0132), New Zealand
Kaka (kay-kay) (0133), New Zealand
Takahe (0131), New Zealand
Wild Pukeko (0130), New Zealand
Mirabou stork (0041), Okavango Delta
Mirabou stork (0270), Okavango Delta
Mirabou stork (0271), Okavango Delta
Southern red-billed hornbill (0036), Okavango Delta
Veroux Owl (0043), Okavango Delta
Giant hummingbird (0300), Peru
Dusky Moorhen (0317), Sequoia National Forest, California
Augur Buzzard (0362), Tanzania
Black crake (0366), Tanzania
Brown Snake eagle (0329), Tanzania
Coqui francolin (0363), Tanzania
Eagle Owls (0193), Tanzania
Egyptian goose (0359), Tanzania
Fischer's Lovebirds (0361), Tanzania
Helmeted guineafowl (0354), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0348), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0367), Tanzania
Kori bustard (0368), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0356), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0360), Tanzania
Lilac-breasted roller (0369), Tanzania
Little Bee eater (0037), Tanzania
Masked weaver (0371), Tanzania
Purple heron (0372), Tanzania
Red-billed hornbill (0328), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed Weaver (0352), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed weaver (0350), Tanzania
Rufous-tailed weaver (0370), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0349), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0358), Tanzania
Secretary bird (0364), Tanzania
Southern Ground hornbill (0333), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0327), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0336), Tanzania
Southern white-crowned shrike (0355), Tanzania
Speckle-fronted Weaver (0353), Tanzania
Tawny eagle (0365), Tanzania
White-bellied bustard (0198), Tanzania
White-headed Buffalo Weaver (0351), Tanzania
Yellow-billed stork (0196), Tanzania
Beggar (0236), UNSPECIFIED
Black mallard (0227), UNSPECIFIED
Blue-earred Starling (0264), UNSPECIFIED
Brown Snake eagle (0268), UNSPECIFIED
Coqui francolin (0277), UNSPECIFIED
Crowned plover (0330), UNSPECIFIED
Double-banded sandgrouse (0273), UNSPECIFIED
Dove (0275), UNSPECIFIED
Fayoumi (0274), UNSPECIFIED
Female ostrich (0343), UNSPECIFIED
Fish eagle (0257), UNSPECIFIED
Fish eagle (0260), UNSPECIFIED
Greater Blue-earred Starling (0267), UNSPECIFIED
Green-barred woodpecker (0272), UNSPECIFIED
Grey heron (0261), UNSPECIFIED
Helmeted guineafowl (0338), UNSPECIFIED
Hooded vulture (0331), UNSPECIFIED
Lappet-faced vulture (0344), UNSPECIFIED
Lilac-breasted roller (0253), UNSPECIFIED
Male ostrich (0342), UNSPECIFIED
Muscovy duck (0325), UNSPECIFIED
Ostrich (0332), UNSPECIFIED
Ostrich chicks (0279), UNSPECIFIED
Pied kingfisher (0276), UNSPECIFIED
Red-billed Teal (0341), UNSPECIFIED
Red-billed Tropic bird (0221), UNSPECIFIED
Red-necked francolin (0339), UNSPECIFIED
Roufous-naped Lark (0337), UNSPECIFIED
Sacred ibis (0258), UNSPECIFIED
Secretary bird (0278), UNSPECIFIED
Snake-necked cormorant (0298), UNSPECIFIED
Speckled Mousebird (0335), UNSPECIFIED
Superb Starling (0334), UNSPECIFIED
Tawny eagle (0254), UNSPECIFIED
Tawny eagles (0345), UNSPECIFIED
Vulture (0256), UNSPECIFIED
Vulture (0262), UNSPECIFIED
White-backed vulture (0255), UNSPECIFIED
White-backed vulture (0347), UNSPECIFIED
White-backed vultures (0269), UNSPECIFIED
White-fronted bee eater (0259), UNSPECIFIED
White-headed vulture (0346), UNSPECIFIED
Yellow-billed stork (0340), UNSPECIFIED
White stork (0324), Vietnam